Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 17, 2012

Well yesterday we struck out killing time looking around at cars cause my truck was guzzling gas...only getting bout 225 miles to a tank which was not normal. Tired of dealing with it, so we started looking for a car. We wanted either an Impala, an HHR, a Kia Soul, or a Lancer. Went to one dealer test drove the HHR and didn't care for the pep it had to it and didn't like the chopped windows it had in it. So went to another dealer and told them same thing what was looking for, we first they had me test drive a Saturn Aura didnt care for it, too hard seating, and leather (which I don't like), so then we found the Impala we seen on at that lot, we test drove it and loved it just as much as the one we rented back in January 2012 in Missouri. So we told them we wanted it, s went inside to get the paperwork and financing going. They only wanted to give me $4700 for my truck and we had just given $17,000 for it back in December 2011, no way I was givin my truck away like that. so we sat there for hours and haggled with them, till I finally said ok i am done I'm not given my truck away, no if and or buts about plain and simple, give me my keys and lets go home, then he came up with another deal, still wasn't any better, so then my fiance' got up and we told the we were done and not doing it anymore and was preceding to walk out and he came up with another deal and it was what we wanted and took it. Got the car I want and price approx lookin for on the truck and got the car and drove it home last nite. So today we took title to truck back up there and they detailed it for me and I took one small snapshot with my phone. So here is my new car. Its a 2011 Chevy Impala.

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