Sunday, June 10, 2012

May 18 - June 10, 2012

Well I got a call from the Patient advocate, sd she had just heard from surgery scheduling, and they seen I had high blood pressure and no cardiac clearance. So before I can get scheduled I haave to get a cardiac clearance done. So I thought well ok if I have to get a cardiac clearance I had better get a pulmonary clearance too cause I have asthma. So on May 21, 2012 I got an appt with the pulmonologist for the initial office visit. he sent me to get bloodwork done, he sent me to Scottsdale Osborn Hospital to get the Pulmonary breathing tests done, and also ordered an oximeter be delivered to my home for overnight use to wear while in bed asleep at night and picked back up the next day.

Well I also got an appt with my finace's cardiologist to get my clearance on May 29, 2012. I went for the inital appt, he done an EKG right there at my initial appt, then he scheduled me to come in on May 23, 2012 for the stress test on the treadmill, I didnt last long. Each segment is 3 minutes, well I only last thru 2 segments cause the incline and speed it was doing was putting my back in a pinch and my back started hurting anf had to ask them to stop, so they did. I went back that friday just a couple days afterwards and got my results which he said was good and I got my clearance. From my truck I used the CamScanner app on my phone to scan the clearance letter and sent it on over to my patient advocate. So went on and took son to his dentist appt down the street from there.

By time I got home maybe an hr later, I had just walked in and got a call from the surgeon's office to schedule me for my surgery which will be July 16, 2012. they also scheduled me for my pre-op testing and also for my 201 nutrition classes. Went over my instructions for the pre-op testing and surgery, and instructed me they were sending me a letter with all that same info in it. Well didnt get the letter till after the nutrition class which is fine cause I knew where and when to go.

So all I am waiting for, for my own peace of mind, is the pulmonary clearance, was told he is out of the country right now and will be back June 15, 2012 and will get my results to me after that.

So as of right now just getting things prepared for the surgery like my foods, vitamins, proteins, kitchen accessories need for after surgery, etc all pre-pared.

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